Connect With Us


Kaleidoscopic is an award winning agency of creative graphic designers in Charlotte, NC.

What We Do: Creative graphic design for web, print and email. Website development, web-based business solutions, illustrations, email marketing and much more. Browse our website to learn more, view our design portfolio and discover why your business should be working with Kaleidoscopic!

Founded in 1997 with the vision that each client should be treated with dedication, honesty and integrity. This approach to business has served us well and since 2001 practically every new client we have acquired has been referred to us by existing satisfied customers. We take great pride in the fact that dedication to our client's success, has resulted in ours!

Clients can rest assured knowing that Kaleidoscopic, Inc. has their best interest in mind and will strive to exceed their best expectations. Our endeavor is to build outstanding business solutions that fit our client's goals and objectives. We work to provide the best business experience possible and impress our clients with excellent and exceptional customer service.

Environmental Statement

Kaleidoscopic is committed to social responsibility, a clean environment and the conservation of natural resources. We take proactive measures to conserve natural resources, by reducing our waste at the source, disposal of waste intelligently and the collection of recyclable resources.

Many of our actions have not only reduced our consumption of natural resources and resulting waste, but also lowered operating expenses and increased production efficiency.

A greener workplace is not only environmentally responsible; it instills pride within the staff and is financially viable.

Company Overview

Kaleidoscopic Inc.
Founded: February 1997,
Incorporated: May 2002, Privately Held
Headquarters: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Serving: Business, Corporation and Municipal across North America

If you wish to learn more or would like to inquire about obtaining our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our staff knowledgeable, friendly and ready to help. Call 704-545-5336.

Heather Myers

Heather Myers
Marketing Specialist
Phone 704-292-5335

Mint Hill, NC  28227
Phone: (704) 545-5336
Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Platinum Winner in Employee Communications

Worldwide Special Achievement Award in the Most Engaging Communication

Placed 7th in the Top 50 Ranking for the Magellan Awards Worldwide Competition

Bronze Winner for Excellence in Communications

IABC Charlotte:
Silver Crown Award in Business Communications

Chambers of Commerce

Mint Hill Chamber of Commerce Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte

What's with the name "Kaleidoscopic" you may ask?
Here's why it was chosen...

adjective: Different complex colors, patterns, shapes, mixed elements and multifaceted. Comes from kaleidoscope, which literally means "observer of beautiful forms". [Greek: kalos, "beautiful," eidos "shapes" and scope "to view"]. We felt the definition of Kaleidoscopic fit us well.


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